2011년 5월 26일 목요일

why Royal Wedding in matters

                                                                 April 21st, 2011
This article mainly points out why we should care about the Royal Wedding happening in England. The story starts off by saying  some people wonder why they should give so much interest to the family whom they will never meet, and are not related at all. However, the underlying reason tht makes this event so massive is due to the fact that it correlates deeply into the system of monarchy and people who are content to follow. This event had been occuring for the last thousand years, and the gap of history makes this event powerful. Furthermore, this is what the people of British had been following for all of their lives, and it is their duty celebrate the traitional event. In conclusion ,the article is genuinely in favor of the Royal Wedding as this respects the traditional history of Britain people.

Everything that happened in this article seemed so new. As a person living in a democratic system of government, I've never had a chance to experience what the system of monarchy is like. Frankly, I've always thought that the system of monachy was something really forceful and bad which had been distinguished long time ago, but now I've changed my opinion and thoughts. I was really surpised to see hoW Royal Wedding is treated in England. This event seemed to be one of the major event that happens once in a lifetime. I really respect the people of British's idea, in which they are in favor of having a monarchy and respecting the king or queen. I was actually quite amazed to see how British people are so fascinated by this marrying couple, Prince William and Kate Middleton. Their passion to worship the traditions that had been lasted for for thousand years is really respectful. As I was reading this article and realized how important this event was for the Britain people, I realized that different countries have different events or ideas that they are fascinated with. Furthermore, I related this idea of how people of Britain are fascinatd with the idea of Royal Wedding to certain events or ideas in South Korea. In South Korea, I find that majority of the people or teenagers are really fascinated with celeberities such as singers, and dancers. As people in South Korea give a great interest, these topics become really popular. In conclusion, I really thank the article for providing me an oppurtunity to furthermore learn about hoo the country England has a monarchy system and how this makes people so fascinated.

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