2011년 5월 26일 목요일

The main reason why people jailbreak their iPhones

2010 07 27
The article mentions about the main reason why people “jailbreak” their phones and how more people are using this idea. The answer for this is clear. People want to gain more freedom and controls on their programs. Some mobiles, especially IPhones have restrictions on what types of Apps can be used. When these mobiles goes through a process of jail breaking, this allows the users to go anywhere on the internet and have a various Apps to choose. Furthermore, the greatest news that the article delivers is that U.S. has made jail breaking legal, so users can legally download any programs they want from the internet. However, the Apple Company suggests users to not jailbreak their phone, since this can degree the performance of the phone and the phone will not be fixed for free. However, there are approximately 4 million jail breakers, and this shows that the idea of jail breaking is getting accepted more and more as time passes.

In my perspective, I partially disagree with the idea of “jail breaking”. By jail breaking the phone, this gives a freedom and more opportunities for users to enjoy the application and try many different Apps.  This can give a great joy and happiness to the users. The fact that America is now officially accepting the idea of jail breaking, this implies that Canada soon will have jail breaking as a legal process since Canada and America are closely related.
 However, the important fact that we have to realize that by jail breaking an Iphone, this can permanently damages a certain quality of the Iphone. Not only that, but the user is breaking the promise with the Apple company, and the Jail breaking users will have to pay when their machines a broken. Furthermore, the Apple company is professional with the technical ideas or issues, and when they suggest that jail breaking is not a good idea to do, then this a suitable reason that the users should consider to not jail break their phones. Therefore, even if the idea of jail breaking becomes legal in the country, I suggest the users to consider carefully about doing jail break because his follows up with a risk of ruining the quality of the Iphones.


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