2011년 5월 26일 목요일

France BANS Islamic veil in public

April 27, 2011

The article mentions about how France has banned the traditional Islamic head scarves in public places. The government of France formally outlawed of wearing face-masking burqas and niquabs.  Muslims living in France are confused and conflicted with this band that stroke over them harshly. Furthermore, the Muslims believe that they have a right to express freedom and preserve their culture and traditions. They believe that this prejudice against neither the Christian Isam nor other religion is unacceptable. This forbidden lifestyle can furthermore cause hatred and anger and cause even more problems. This hatred can furthermore lead into a war.  On the other hand, one of the Muslim women Zahara Jaferi mentions that if the government of France wants to preserve its own culture form the cultures of immigrants, then they have a right to do so.

In my perspective, I disagree with what the French government has committed to the people of Muslim. The reason for this is because I strongly believe in human rights. I believe that every individual around the world should have a right of freedom from their religion, or beliefs. For me, what is happening in France is not likeable. The clothes and traditions of Muslim people had been preserved for a long period of time. This respected and long-lasting tradition was not dishonored by the government, and I strongly believe that they don’t have a right to do those.  Not only that , but I also believe that wearing traditional clothes or customs won’t have so much of impact in the society of France that could lead to destroy the original cultures of France. Also, I feel very sorry for the Muslim people living in France, as they will be suffering every day of not wearing what they had been wearing since they were kids. This prohibition of the traditional clothes will always remind the Muslim people of France that they are restricted by the government from the freedom and their rights to believe whatever they want to believe. Also, I’m quite concerned and worried with the fact that this prohibition against the Muslim people’s tradition might lead into a fight or even a war. If a war happens, there will be a lot of suffers and deaths caused, and I quite don’t understand why France government has to take that risk of causing so many fights.


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