2011년 5월 26일 목요일

A new future is awaiting for Egypt as the president finally resigns

02 11 2011
File:Flag of Egypt.svgThe dictator of Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak, resigned from his position and gave a new life to Egypt.  Due to the 30 years of harsh ruling by the government, there was a historic 18 days of pro-democracy demonstration by thousands of Egyptians. The president of Egypt could not withstand these enormous protestors, and he finally decided to the Egyptians’ voice. The article states that Canada gives a suggestion to the Egyptians, in which they should have free elections and respect the human rights. Also, the president of U.S., Barrack Obama states that he is truly inspired by the courageous acts that the Egyptians had done in order to obtain their human rights. Therefore, this historical moment of the President resigning from his office will open up a bright future for Egypt, where human rights and freedom are reserved.

Opposition protesters celebrate Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak's resignation, from their stronghold of Tahrir Square in Cairo Feb. 11, 2011.I was truly happy to see that thousands to millions of people in Egypt were finally “Freed” from the harsh governments. I did not expect for such a momentarily result to happen this fast, because usually there is a great process taken when there is a protestors setting up a demonstration and going against its government. This process usually takes a long period of time, but this result, in which the president resigned from his office, happened more than just fast. I believe that this result truly shows that nothing can obstacle the human rights in the society that we live in these days. This shows that when people’s voices gather up, this has a potential power to make a difference. I sincerely respect the president’s action, to actually listen to his people and understand what they really want and give up on his dream. This I believe takes a great effort, to take away his ambition and make his country a better place. Not only that, but I also respect the courteous actions that the protests had taken, in which they would fight to their governments despite of any obstacles. Furthermore, this relates to my nearby country in Korea, in which the North Korean is a society where there is a dictator controlling the whole ecosystem and the people’s rights. I believe that because there can be a change made when people gather up, the citizens in North Korea can also gather up and make a difference as well. And I really hope that they do, because we all know that the North Korean civilians have their human rights taken away by the harsh government. I want those people to also prove that the tyrant dictator does not work in these days.

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