2011년 5월 26일 목요일

Facebook moving into a new office


February 8, 2011
The article deals with the announcement of Facebook moving its office to a new place – a campus in Menlo Park, Calif. The main reason for this movement is due to the expanding growth of the size of the company. The new campus is suppose to be a “long-term campus” where they can stay for a long period time, but according to the previous results, in which their prior campus in Palo Alto office was suppose to be a “long-term campus” as well. However, this campus quickly grew fast, and that made them to move into a bigger office. Just in case the size of the company outgrows again, Facebook purchased 22-acre space near their new campus so that these can be connected in underground tunnel.

I’m truly astonished by this article. It is hard to believe that a single company can expand so fast enough to change its office into a bigger one in a year. This fact truly shows the power of facebook, in which this program connected by 600 million people in the world. By having its company to grow, we know that there are even more employees needed for Facebook, and that I believe will make more people to have opportunity to work and earn money. Furthermore, I really respect the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg’s idea of moving his office into a new office. I really like the way in which he is predicting what will happen in the future, and putting his plan into an action and making future plans. I wish that I could be one of the person like him who can accurately plan for the future and be successful.


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