2011년 5월 26일 목요일

16 items in the Egyptian Museum stolen

One of the stolen item: the limestone
 statue of pharaoh Akhenaten
02 13 2011
During the 18-days of uprising demonstration that opposed the President of Egypt out, robbers sneaked into the famed museum and escaped with 18 valuable items. When the protestors surrounded the Cairo’s Tahrir Square near the museum and burned down the near areas, number of robbers climbed through the museum and went onto the roof and through the ceilings of the top floor of the museum. Some of the stolen items include – the wooden statue of famed boy king of Tutankhamen, and the limestone statue of the Pharaoh Akhenaton. Not only the museum, but the article mentions that the thieves went into a storage site at the royal necropolis of Dashur, located at south of the Cario’s Tahir Square. The Egyptian Museum now remains closed with guarded forces.

I really don’t like the fact that people are actually using advantage of the confusion in their country for their own goods; this is so wicked. It is horrible to believe that the thieves stole these treasures that had been reserved for thousands of years. The gravity of these ancient treasures are deeply valuable, and this is probably one of the greatest lost ever happened in this year.  Also, this makes me to believe that money is a powerful thing that attracts people to do anything – even if it is immoral. To be honest, who would even imagine of sneaking into a museum when there is a huge demonstration and fight going on right beside? This shows that money has a great potential on humans, and sometimes it can actually be very awful- like this incidence. I truly hope that the workers or people who are in charge of the museum to find out who the thieves are, and hopefully  improve on the security system so that this tragic can never happen for the rest of the times. 

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