2011년 5월 26일 목요일

Military drill launched on Korean Peninsula

S. Korea and U.S. running Live-fire drill
 03 07 2011
The article talks about the previous minor practice that occurred on South Korea supported by U.S. and S. Korea. The North Korea has continued to threaten South Korea over the past, and the recent one that happened killed 4 South Koreans. This tension is the main reason why the military practice was made. This can prevent any unconventional attacks that may happen in the future by the military of N. Korea. The military drill is practiced 15 km away from the demilitarized zone that separates South and North Korea.  The practice shows how the soldiers can withstand chemical or any other attacks. This makes the practice very real and threatening. The N. Korea views this exercise as a provocation, and has threatened to engulf Seoul in a sea of flames. However, not only the joint of S. Korea and U.S. view this as a deterrent, but also shows the relationship between the allied nations, which is viewed as one of the strongest allies in these days.

A North Korean soldier glares at the other side.
The tension between these two countries have flared over the past 60 years.

I’m kind of surprised to see this article. In fact, I thought that this was quite ironic. Because, if you are a citizen or a person living in South Korea, it feels like nothing is happening. Everything is calm and you live in a usual life just like in Canada. But by reading the article, I feel like as if there is going to be a war soon happening in Korea- this is not true! However, in the perspective of Korean, I am depressed and perhaps encouraged to see this. I am depressed, because 60 years ago, there was no such thing as South or North Koreans, and they are in a great tension and are really hating each other. But on the other hand, I am encouraged, because our country will be safe. But to be honest, I’ve never thought that my country is in danger just because there is a tension going on between North Korea and South, because this tension will always happen as long as they South and North Koreans exist. It’s natural that there is a tension or minor fights going on, because these two countries never actually signed a permanent peace that can last forever. Overall, I am partially in a good mood that the military of Korea is taking their responsibility by defending the country from the outside threats.  

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