2011년 5월 26일 목요일

Arab fighting for their rights

02 13 2011

Young protestors fighting for their rights and freedom

The article mainly talks about how the new generations of the Arab countries are reforming themselves and trying to change their society.  After the explosion that occurred in Egypt, the young populations of nearby Arab countries started to rise and go against their dictatorship government. These protestors include all sorts of people including – poor class workers, students, middle class workers, citizens, religious or none religious people. The only thing that these people want or demand is “the basic human rights”. Even in Morocco, where there a respect and affection towards the King Mohammed VI, is starting to change by the young generation’s reform. These protestors or reformers arising can be extremely effective, because the 20 countries that compose the “Arab World” all have almost half of the population at under age of 25 – a young generation. Although the author mentions that there is a great population arising to claim their human rights, he slightly points out that there won´t be a substantial change because the leaders will be finding solutions to only fulfill the public demands.
The nearby Arab countries that are starting to arise from the explosion of the Egypt relate to one of my experience I had back in 2010 as a community service.  When I was handing out pamphlets in downtown Toronto to let the people passing know that there are poor African children who are exposed to hungers, I realized one thing. When the first person passing by accepts to have the template, then the next passerby automatically gets the template as well – like a wave. In the contrast, when the first person passing by rejects to have the template, then the rest of the people coming down the street are more likely to not take the template as well, because they saw the previous person not taking the template. This experience I believe is very similar to what happened in the countries of Arab. One country, Egypt, went against the dictatorship society and has won. This makes the nearby countries to rise, because the country right next to them has done it, and gained the human rights. Furthermore, I strongly believe that what the people of Arab are doing is right. They honestly did nothing wrong to be restricted from the freedom. What they are demanding is just the basic human rights and nothing else more than that. I strongly suggest the dictators of Arabs to have sympathies towards their people and listen to their opinions like the dictator of the Egypt; He resigned from the government of Egypt and this shows that he listens to his people’s voice.

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