2011년 5월 26일 목요일

Royal Wedding held on Friday

April 29th , 2011

On the morning of April 29th 2011, the most enormous and historical royal marriage was engaged in England. As Prince William of Wales slipped a golden ring onto the figure of Catherine Middleton Friday, the couple promised with love, contentment, and honor. The couple felt in love when they were at the University of St.Andrew’s Scotland, sharing an apartment with friends and together before dating. They were married at Westminster, where monarchs are crowned. Approximately 5,000 police guards were securing the Royal Wedding, as a million people came to cheer the event. The Royal wedding was watched by 2 billion people around the world in media, and this remarks to be one of the greatest wedding in the history of England and the rest of the world.

I’m glad to see that the Royal Marriage has finally happened on Friday. I’ve seen many people full of excitement to watch this wedding in the morning. As there were 2 billion people around the world watching this event, this proves that the wedding was incredible. This really proves that this wedding is important, and I’m really happy that this wedding has happened in my generation. Also, this was probably one of the major events for the security guards and polices of England. When there is such a huge event like this, there is a great possibility of threats. The police will be responsible to protect the couples and to preserve the event without having any interruptions. Therefore, I really appreciate the efforts that 5,000 police officers had put into.
The traditions and honor that the couples get is enormous, and this is really great. On the other hand, I also believe that there will be a great pressure for the couple Catherine and William, as the rest of the world will be pouring their attentions. If I was in that situation where everyone is watching, then this will make me a bit of stress and madness because every single thing I do will be spread to the media. Furthermore, I truly hope that the Royal Wedding will last forever with love.

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