2011년 5월 26일 목요일

Bombing in the Chinese Eastern city

May 26, 2011

smoke arises from the explosiosn happened in the city of Fuzhou

The article deals with how there was an explosion blasted in the Eastern city Fuzhou of China. There were two explosions from the cars near the facilities of the government, causing approximately around 6 people either injured or dead. Not only that, but the explosion has caused several offices nearby to have its windows broken. Furthermore, one of the dead people was suspected to be the one who planned the bomb. The suspected man’s been a farmer near the local places and was disgruntled by the laws of the society and made the bombs. Moreover, the farmer has written his tragically situation on this webpage by mentioning that his house was illegally torn down without payments from the governments and that he had to make the decisions that he did not want to.

The decisions that the farmer has made is stupid and nonsense. Although I do understand that his situation was critical and that he had resentment over the government, planting the bombs and acting to damage the bombs was not a wise choice to make. In anyhow, the choice could have never benefited the farmer economically, and he had committed the crime of bombing the buildings for his own economical problems. Not only that, but I also believe that his problem or economical problem has nothing to do with the rest of the citizens. He not only has harmed and killed several innocent lives, but he has threatened his city from the security of being safe and tried to make his society a huge mess. Furthermore, what is more ironic and meaningless is that whether or not he was accidently killed or purposely ailed himself during the explosion, this whole chaos that he cause killed himself. The man wanted desperately wanted to survive from his society, but he made the situation even far worse by killing himself and now he is too late to get back up and face challenges of the life.  Also, from this example of the story, I strongly believe that I’m so lucky to be in a democratic city where the government cares about my voice and opinion. Although the farmer’s house was torn down, the communist government did not ever listen to him and that has caused the farmer to be mad. However, in the perfect democratic society like Canada, the government will listen to the voices of the citizens and try to fix whatever is possible.

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