2011년 5월 26일 목요일

513 illegal immigrants arrested

May 18th, 2011
Arrested immigrants croweded in the streets and struggling for their future

The article mentions that the Mexican Authorities arrested illegal immigrants trying to get to the United States. There were 513 people crammed inside the two tractor-trailers in an inhumane condition. These immigrants majorly from Central America and Asia, and have individually paid $7,000 dollars for the transportation costs. Unfortunately, these illegal immigrants will be forced to their home countries. Furthermore, the immigrants were detected by the x-ray equipment located at the checkpoints. The article also mentions that the Mexican investors have caught these immigrants from the Mexico’s southern state of Chiapas, where they have caught about 25,000 illegal immigrants in a year.

Approximately around 500 immigrans were detected by the x-rays. 

I’m very sorrow to hear about the news that the immigrants were arrested by the investors. Although what they’ve done was illegal and they were not supposed to sneak into America, I kind of understand why they’ve committed the actions. When the immigrants are escaping from their countries, this means that the situation that they are facing in is so critical and difficult that they would leave anything behind to go to a better place.  I strongly believe that the main reason why they wanted to leave everything behind is because they wanted to start a new life where they can success in United States. On the other hand, I also believe that in any places, there is always difficulties facing sometimes running away from the difficulty are not a right choice, but overcoming the difficulties can make them to be stronger than they can be. It is very unfortunate that they’ll be going back to their home countries, because their government will highly punish these immigrants for trying to escape for their countries. Furthermore, I really hope that these poor immigrants can face the next upcoming difficulties that they’ll be facing in the future at their home countries.

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