2011년 5월 26일 목요일

U.S. Population change and the future

May 26, 2011

As you can see on the above statical picture, the population of U.S. had been decreased far more less than the time back in 1950s. 

The article mentions and points about very signifcant questions regarding to the decrease population of the U.S. in the current days and the future. For the last 10 years, the country only had 9.7 increase rate of the population, which is far more less any decades in the past since the Great Depression has occured. The population of the U.S. last year marked as 308.7 million. On the other hand, the article points out that the rest of the world's population is increasing very fast. The global population will exceed 7 billion in this October of 2011, and it is likely that the population will go up to 9 billion in the next 40 years. The most important question that the article raises is that it questions whether or not America's leading potential power will be shifted to the other countries like China or India due to the difference of the population. Furthermore, the article anwers this question by saying that the the majority of the demgoraphers and professors mentions that the increase of the population does not necessarily match to the voice of the world or potential power of the country and that America is in a good condition economically.

What will be the future of U.S.? and will the decrease of their population affect the potential power they have on the world stage? 

I completely enjoyed reading this article. I was always interested about the U.S's economical factors or any factors related to the country. Furthermore, the change of the population really interested me. It is quite surprising that while the rest of the world's population is increasing, the world's leader country's population is decreasing. I also believe just like the rest of the demographers that population increase doesn't necessary mean the country will be stronger, because more population means that more people will be using the limited resources that the country has, and this certainly won't be so good and beneficial for the economy. Furthermoer, I believe that there is no need for United States to challenge and race with the poor countries like China and India who are in fact struggling with nonstoping increase of their population. Not only that, but I also believe that the less increase of the population is really good for our future generations regarding for their envrionments. More people certiainly means more pollution, and this will defintely make our future generations to be suffered by the polluted airs that they breathe in every days of their lives. Furthermore, this idea that the population increase is not happening anymore in Amercia related to the population movement happneing in my home country South Korea. Before reading this article, I've always thought that having an increasing population is good for the country, and I was kind of depressed when the population of South Korea did not increase of the last few years. However, now this article changed my mind to believe that having a suitable population in the country is actually good, rather than having an exploding population that could eat up the whole country's envrionment.

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