2011년 5월 26일 목요일

North Korea illegally selling banned weapon

05 16 2011
The article mentions about how United States has detected North Korea illegally selling banned weapons with Iran and other countries. The article mentions that one of the weaponry trading partners for North Korea is the Islamic Republic of Iran. North Korea has used cargo flights and handling to transfer their weapons, which made the passengers of the terminals to be in a critically dangerous situation. The reason that the country has used these types of transportation methods is because there are lack of security and monitoring nearby. This illegal act that North Korea has committed causes a serious problem and worldwide e attention, as North Korea had been targeted with sanctions by U.N. Security Council back in 2006 as the country tested illegal nuclear weapons. Now, the United Nations is seeking to have North Korea clarify and comment on the illegal actions they had committed.

North Korean governments are hypocrites. They officially say that they are democratic, but that is completely nonsense. These messed up acts they are causing really makes me to be angry. By trading nuclear weapons to other countries, this weapon will be used to threaten other lives and people. Not only that, but this act will draw up an international attention and threaten the nearby countries, including my country South Korea. I honestly can’t believe that this is the reality that is happening in North Korea. They’d been ignoring the warnings and charges that the United Nations had given, and continuing to commit illegal acts. Also, because North Korea has used cargo flights and handling to transfer their illegal weapons, this made the innocent passengers to be subjected to the dangers. I’m partially sad and angry about this, because the passengers had done nothing wrong, and they have a right to not be exposed to illegal weapons and dangerous situations. Furthermore, if the government of North Korea is selling all those illegal weapons to feed their starving individuals, then I would partially understand. However, their government does not give single money to their individual citizens and use the money they have made from the weapons to create more weapons and army. 

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