2011년 2월 15일 화요일

No more internet in Egypt

2011 2/2
A couple joining the mass demonstration in Egypt

This article mentions about the goverment of Egypt halting their internet connection to stop the furious protestors going against them. Every major internet system in Eygpt interneationally connected was turned off completly one by one - taking only 20 minutes in total. The underlying reason for this act was to break down the communication system of the vast amount of protestor going against the society. The government's intention of this action was to hinder the demonstrations occuring by the protestos, but this in fact brought an immediate confrontation, in which protestors poured into the streets and resist.This action brought a great amount of criticism worldwide, critics asserting that the people living in Egypt must have a right to communicate and access to the internet.

Demonstrators garthered around to
resist the government

It wouldn't be a suprise that this event was one of the most interesting news of the current year. Everything that happened in this fascinated me. I'm going to be honest with this, but I did not have any idea about what Egypt really was. The fact that I only had a chance to learn about Egypt in history documents, it was a great oppurtunity for me to learn about how Egypt is like in 2011. From this article, I know that the citizens living in Egypt are mad at the governement, so the government is probably corrupted and need to be replaced. The act of shutting down the whole country's interent  was unbelievaable, and partially made my heart filled with resentment towards the goverenment of Egypt. How can someone actually imagine of doing this curical act in year of 2011? This really takes away the rights of citizens living in Egypt to communicate with other people and have a social intereaction. I defintely will be horrified if this ever happened  to me, and I really hope the people of Egypt to have their rights back and solve the problems.


댓글 1개:

  1. Yes, I do agree with the fact that Egypt's government is corrupt and Egypt's people deserve their rights and deserve to be able to do what they feel like doing. However, you make it seem that the government is cruel and unusual. The government was just trying to get the protesters to stop protesting, so they turn off the internet. This just caused a bigger problem for the protesters. They were just trying to save whatever they can, but unfortunately, it backfired.
