2011년 2월 15일 화요일

The discovery of the hidden stones

The map that shows where the
stone was found - Jebel Faya
           This article mainly talks about the discovery of hidden stones and its importance that leads to question on how humans started to spread from its original point – Africa.  The stone was discovered at Jebel Faya, and its age is measured as approximately 127, 000 years old. The fact the majority of the studies by the researchers show that the human civilization was first originated from Africa back in 200, 000 years ago, the archaeologists asserts that if this ancient stone made by humans, then humans got out of Africa much earlier than the current speculation. However, it is unclear to say who actually made the stones without leaving any fossil bones near the site where the stone was discovered. Furthermore, the discovery of this stone brings up to more questions, in which if the stones were made by humans, then whether or not these groups died out in Jebel Faya or continued to spread throughout the world.
The image that shows the ancient
stone that was discovered

This article greatly interested me because I had a chance to learn about history of humans in Geography class back in grade 9. There was a video that illustrated on how the technology in these days could trace the gene of a person and find out where he or she’s been originated from. Furthermore, the video showed that every culture around this world was originated from a single place – Africa. By knowing this information before reading the article, I thought that it would be a great opportunity to learn about how people escaped the Africa continent and went all over the world. Furthermore, the discovery of this stone I find is very controversial, because some people may believe that it was made by humans and others do not.  In my opinion, I partially find that there is not great evidence that supports this stone to be created by humans.

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