2011년 3월 11일 금요일

Korea's demilitarized zone

Korea's demilitarized zone
May 10th, 2010
The article mentions about a photographer of South Korea, Choi Byung Kwan going into Korea’s Demilitarized Zone and taking exceptional photos that deserve a serious international attention.
The Demilitarize Zone is a 115-mile Zone that divides Korea into two, and this zone is known be one of the world’s most sensitive areas. Mr. Choi traversed the 155-mile Zone over a period of years in late 1990s and early 200s and captured remarkable ecology that was never disrupted by humans for more than 50 years. Mr. Choi not only wanted to capture the natural life grown in this place, but also wanted to capture the images that remind about the historical tragic that happened in the place. His photos include such images like the charming flowers growing through the bullet holes of old and rusty iron helmets lying on the mine field.  Furthermore, his photographs will be held in an exhibition by UN that celebrates the 60th anniversary of Korean War and hoping that the peace can last forever.

 The images that Mr. Choi has taken are powerful. The Demilitarized Zone did not have any interactions with people, and it is grown untouched for more than 50 years.  The beautiful flowers starting to grow in these armed zones seems like there is a peace growing between the two countries. The flower through the holes of the helmet lying on the ground seems like a spirit of the soldiers trying to tell as a message; that these soldiers dedicated their lives so that the peace can finally be promised. I really hope that this peace can last, just like the flowers
The war that happened only 60 years ago is already forgotten in the society of Korea. I guess that’s because people don’t want to remember the tragic pasts and think about the happy events. But that’s not right. The young soldiers that were few years older than me dedicated their lives to fight for their country. Furthermore, I really would like to thank Mr. Choi for risking his life to take these pictures that reminds Korean’s history.


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