2011년 2월 15일 화요일

Hubble's Telescope detected the oldest and the farthest galaxy

 January 26th, 2011

This picture is the image captured
by the Hubble Scope, which includes
the furthest star.

By using the current best telescoe of Hubble, astronomers detected the galaxy that is fartheret galaxy than any others. Although the size of this galaxy is similar to our own galaxy, Milky Way, the glaxy had been emitting its light for the last 13.2 billion years. By measuring the wave radiation of the galaxy to see how much it's been "red-shifted", it's been conclusded that this is the longest glaxy every seen.The importance of this discovery is that that this galaxy was originated after only 480 million years when the universe was created. This actually brings back to the time of dark ages, when the stars were first created and started to light up after the creation of the universe. The astronomers believe that the discovery of this yet farthest known star supports the ideas that they pictured of the creation of the universe, in which varieties of stars formed 200 to 300 million years after the creation of the universe - known as the Big Bang Theory.
This image shows how the Hubble's Telescope, which is the device
 that can capture the furthest images in space.

I was particularily interested in this article because I love exploring and understanding the known facts about the place beyond our habitat- Earth. Furthermore, the device "Hubble's Telescope" was something I learned during the astronomy class back in grade 9, so this dragged me a great interest. I am thoroughly astounded by the achievements that astronomers have done. The passion that they have put to find out the longest star ever known deserves a wealthy claim. I believe that the discovery of this really proves that humans are intelligent enough to go beyond the earth, and that we humans have a bright future.


댓글 1개:

  1. This is one of the great discoveries that the astronomers had found of the year. I agree with Jack’s idea, in which we finally see a bright hope and that we have a possibility of go beyond our galaxy. The fact that we are discovering more and more about galaxy makes me exciting. This defiantly proves that our galaxy isn’t the only galaxy that exist, which Jack already knows, and we defiantly have potential to see other creatures form other galaxies. The most exciting thing is that we have not discover the whole galaxy. We can definitely find some other beyond this galaxy. I can’t wait to discover another hidden side of the galaxy.
