2011년 5월 26일 목요일

Five earthsized planets discovered in our Milky Way

Our planet - Earth
February 2, 2011
This article talks about how the Kepler telescope is continually finding planets that orbit in stars of our galaxy. Furthermore, the Kepler space telescope detected five earth-sized planets orbiting in the Milky Way. The importance of the discovery of these planets is that all of these are circling inside the habitual zone, which puts them into a possiblity the existence of water. Not only that, but this telescope also found 6 more planets orbiting into a sun-like star in our galaxy, which are approximately 2,000 light years away from our planet. To this point, the telescope found 1,200 planets orbiting the Milky way, and this supports the established statement, in which there are uncountable numbers of planets orbiting in a sun-like stars in our galaxy.

The Kepler Telescope
I'm astounded by the efforts that these astronomers are putting into to discover new planets that orbit in our galaxy. To be honest, it will be very difficult to find about these new planets, because the astronmers will measure every aspects about the existence of the unknown planet, such as measuring the light differences, and so on. If the astronomers make a tiny little difference, then the whole measurement and finding the new planet gets ruined. I believe that this truly supports the statement that we are not alone in this planet. Furthermore, article makes me to believe that there may be some other creatures living in our own galaxy. I hope that these astronomers can find even more planets, and extend the knoweldge of understanding the universe.


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