2011년 5월 26일 목요일

Facebok trying to be friendly to the jounalists

April 14th, 2011

Facebook hires Vadim Lavrusik to improve the relationship among the reporters

The article mentions how Facebook is now focusing their marketing to the journalists to gain their fondness. The underlying reason why Facebook has launched this was because the site has been fallen behind to the competitors like Twitter and Tumblr in areas of gathering news tools produce by the reporters. Most of the journalists are focusing their work on Twitter, and this has greatly promoted to their readers and viewers. Furthermore, Facebook wants their News Feeds to contain actual realistic news written by the professional writers. As a result, Facebook has hired a professional worker to help to build relationship between the reporters and news organizations. This will greatly advocate the use of Facebook, as a place where fundamental news are reported.

I’m glad to see that Facebook is trying their best to be the best. What I’ve seen them doing is that they are trying to improve on the parts that they are weak at. Although more than half a billion users are using Facebook, the company realizes that they are falling behind in informing major news to the readers. I was really impressed to see that this motivated Facebook to catch up with other competitors like Twitter. However, I believe that the task that Facebook is trying to achieve will be quite difficult, as the fondness of the reporters is already pouring on Twitter site. Furthermore, I strongly believe that the choice that Facebook has made to promote their sites by getting helped by reporters is a smart choice. The reporters are professional at delivering messages, because it’s their main jobs. Not only informing major news can help Facebook, but this will provide even more opportunities for millions of reporters out there in the world to have more places to work. In conclusion, I like their idea!

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